The Magic of Magnetic Table Skirts
Today, we’ll consult with an in-house expert on the magic of magnetic table skirts and how they have changed the game for extendable dining tables.
For most dining tables with extensions, you have options for storing the leaves. Many tables are what we call “self-storing,” meaning they have space under the tabletop and between the table slides to store the leaves. But, even with self-storing tables, there can be limitations.
Depending on the shape and size of the table, storing skirted table leaves can be challenging, or even impossible. Many times, you have to store dining table extensions under your bed, or in a closet. This is why the self-storing dining table is such an appealing option.
In this post, we will explain how the Amish builders have begun using the magnetic skirt so all of your skirted table leaves will fit inside the dining table!
Before we proceed, let’s meet the expert.
Amish Dining Room Furniture Expert: Steve Doe

Steve Doe has been DutchCrafters’ resident expert on all things dining furniture for many years. He has managed all dining furniture products, worked with all of our dining furniture Amish builders, and is our expert on all things dining furniture. Steve has won multiple awards for his work and expertise in Amish dining room furniture, and he is a two-time winner of the Category Manager of the Year Award.
That’s why we turned to Steve for his expert input on the topic! The following answers were provided by none other than Steve Doe.
Expert’s Corner!
What is a Skirted Dining Table Leaf?

“Table skirts, sometimes referred to as aprons, provide a finished look to all tabletops. They’re also a practical solution to hide tables extension slides mounted to the underside of an extension table.”
What is a Magnetic Dining Table Skirt?

“A magnetic table skirt was developed to provide a removable skirt for a single non-skirted leaf so that it may still be self-stored, yet still prove the appearance of a continuous skirted table when in use. A tiny magnet is recessed in both the underside of the leaf and the top edge of the skirt section.”
People love extendable tables, but storing leaves can be a hassle. As Steve put it, “People love to be able to store leaves in their dining table so that they do not give up valuable space under their bed or in a closet. So self-storing leaves are a huge benefit.“
More on Self-Storing Leaves
Self-storing leaves are great because the fit in the table and are out of site. You only have to get them out when you need them. For folks who want to store all of their leaves in the table, once you get past two leaves, you often have to order the rest without skirts. There just isn’t room for all those skirts in there!
This can create an aesthetic issue when you have a skirt around the table and only two leaves with a skirt. Let’s see what Steve has to say about this!
Expert’s Corner!

“A table with some skirted and some non-skirted leaves can look like a child with two missing front teeth.”
-Steve Doe, DutchCrafters’ Dining Room Furniture Expert
The Magic of Magnetic Table Skirts
Our Amish woodworkers have come up with a solution in recent years! They began making skirts that attach to the leaves magnetically. This way, they can be disassembled while being stored, and as long as the table is big enough, they all fit!
Thanks to the stupendous design of our expert Amish craftsmen, you can store all the leaves inside the table while maintaining a continuous skirt at full extension!

Expert’s Corner!

“This is where the genius of the magnetic skirts comes in; they allow the owner to still have two skirted and two non-skirted leaves and for all four to self-store… and at the same time, clip the magnetic skirts on the non-skirted leaves to complete the look.”
-Steve Doe, DutchCrafters’ Dining Room Furniture Expert
Magnetic Table Skirts Are Game-Changers
Magnetic table skirts have changed the game for extendable Amish-made dining tables! DutchCrafters’ Amish woodworkers have perfected the craft and have the expertise to provide all of your self-storing solutions.
Make sure you browse our massive Amish dining room table selection and consider purchasing tables with magnetic skirts for the full experience.
Reach out to one of our Amish Furniture Specialists for personalized assistance!
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Seth Carter has been with DutchCrafters since 2020. Seth has won multiple awards for his work in Amish furniture while with DutchCrafters. He has advised and partnered with more than 150 Amish wood shops on furniture presentation, design, industry trends, product options, and the development of exclusive products. He is originally from Indiana and even lived in Amish country (LaGrange, Indiana) for an extended period of time while working with DutchCrafters. Seth was previously in charge of DutchCrafters' Amish bedroom furniture category. He was eventually promoted to lead the team that managed every product in DutchCrafters' world's largest online collection of Amish furniture.