Tag Archives: Amish furniture

8 Ways to Get Organized for Back to School

Beth Rice 08/08/2016

It’s time for new shoes and lunch boxes once again.  As lazy summer days come to an end, we’re energized with new ideas to get you organized and ready for the first day of school. From pre-school to college, solid wood Amish furniture can make the morning routine a little easier, the homework time more interesting, and the organization helpful for all ages. Greeting the Day Children thrive on routine. Set up a spot for… 8 Ways to Get Organized for Back to School

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Transition a Child’s Room to a Teenager’s Room

Leah Meldman 04/08/2016

It seems like just yesterday your little one was running around with dolls or action figures, perfectly content with their pint-sized bed covered in stuffed animals. But, in the blink of an eye, your precocious child became a tenacious teenager. Help your teenager transition into the next phase of their life with an updated bedroom that suits their needs and tastes. Upgrade Their Slumber Whether they are entering middle or high school, you’ve probably noticed… Transition a Child’s Room to a Teenager’s Room

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Modern Ways to Use a Jelly Cabinet

Beth Rice 28/07/2016

Even though jelly is most often kept in the refrigerator these days, the jelly cabinet remains a favorite furnishing. One look at an Amish jelly cabinet and the reasons are clear.  It’s both beautiful and useful for storage, even without the jelly. The First Jelly Cabinets The creation of the jelly cabinet grew out of need. During the 19th century, as pioneers perfected the practice of stewing fruit to create jams and preserves, they produced large… Modern Ways to Use a Jelly Cabinet

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How to Create an Eco-Friendly Outdoor Dining Space

Leah Meldman 14/07/2016

Dreaming of backyard bliss that will allow you to truly appreciate Mother Nature? Creating an eco-friendly outdoor dining space where you can gather with family and friends, or enjoy some “me” time, is a simple task that takes just a little bit of planning and Poly lumber. The first step is visualizing exactly what you want your outdoor space to do for you. Are you the life of the party that loves hosting a get-together… How to Create an Eco-Friendly Outdoor Dining Space

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Big Ideas for Small Spaces

Debra Gingerich 03/03/2016

Like many, I have been fascinated by the tiny house craze that has taken America by storm. I watch my share of home improvement and home buying TV shows that feature tiny homes and wonder where I’d store all my shoes or sundresses. Making the best of small spaces is nothing new, though. People have been living large in big city cramped apartments for generations. Whether you’re pulling your house like an RV or in… Big Ideas for Small Spaces

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Meet the Amish Furniture Makers: Luxury Office Furniture Collection

Jayca Pike 21/05/2015

This blog post was updated on January 27, 2022. Falling in love with James and his five sons, the Amish furniture makers who handcraft our Luxury Office Furniture collection, is just as easy as falling in love with the impeccable, solid wood desks they’ve been building since 2002. Warm and fatherly, James leads us around his cobbled shop, through room after appended room of buzzing and sanding, eager to share his work and future plans with us. Related Posts Mennonite… Meet the Amish Furniture Makers: Luxury Office Furniture Collection

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