Category: Kitchen and Dining

Why Is Reclaimed Barnwood So Popular?

Beth Rice 08/04/2021

It’s the age of reclaimed barnwood, and one of the great things about it is barnwood already comes into the picture with staying power, having served its time on the land as barns. Now, it transforms into unforgettable furniture, with strength and history that are likely to keep it part of home furniture collections for another century to come. What else makes reclaimed barnwood so popular, and what makes it unique enough to not become… Why Is Reclaimed Barnwood So Popular?

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Should You Fill Wood Knots on (Rustic) Wood Furniture?

Beth Rice 18/03/2021

Rustic wood furniture embraces the natural, and with that au natural look come knots. Should you fill them? What does that mean? How is it done? What are the benefits? Let’s take a look. Defining Rustic Wood Furniture While rustic wood furniture is a style that embraces the natural, accepts imperfections and celebrates rugged elements, people often interpret “rustic” in different ways. While some might like sun spots on barn wood or pin holes left… Should You Fill Wood Knots on (Rustic) Wood Furniture?

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Custom Breakfast Nook FAQs

Beth Rice 11/03/2021

Gatherings for family meals come in all shapes and sizes, and so do Amish custom breakfast nooks. There are a number of questions that arise regarding a custom breakfast nook, which are built with solid wood and interchangeable features. We’ve taken those questions and answered them here to help you on your path to finding the perfect custom nook. Can an upholstered seat or back be added to my breakfast nook? Yes. Amish breakfast nooks… Custom Breakfast Nook FAQs

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The Advantages of Folding Furniture

Beth Rice 04/03/2021

The advantages of folding furniture don’t all necessarily focus on saving space. While it’s true this transformable furniture is considered a space saver, there are other benefits to consider as well. Perhaps you camp frequently, entertain occasionally or prefer pieces of furniture that can multitask and get tucked away. Folding furniture can achieve those goals. Let’s take a look. Helps Keep Things Organized With shelves that flip open and fold closed when needed, furniture that… The Advantages of Folding Furniture

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Things to Know About Wood Inlays

Beth Rice 25/02/2021

Wood inlays are a type of furniture feature that catches the eye. They represent the work of a true artisan, and they require a skilled hand to add them to wood furniture. What is a wood inlay and what does it do? A wood inlay is the addition of an often contrasting, colored material into a shape that’s cut out to accept the inlay. It is fit flush with the item it’s added to. The… Things to Know About Wood Inlays

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5 Things to Love About an Amish Secretary Desk

Beth Rice 11/02/2021

It’s pretty easy to name five things to love about a secretary desk, from its space saving features to its collection of storage compartments. When you factor in the ability to customize, the solid wood, and the variety of styles to pick from, it’s even easier to name five things to love about an Amish secretary desk. Let’s take a look. Secretary Desk History The secretary desk has come a long way. Also referred to… 5 Things to Love About an Amish Secretary Desk

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The Pressback Dining Chair

Beth Rice 07/01/2021

A pressback dining chair brings home the look and feel of hand carved wood. Pressback chairs feature intricate designs in the chair crest rail. The designs are often leaves or acorns or a combination of the two. These designs are no longer carved by hand, and craftsmen have found ways to produce pressbacks more quickly and efficiently. How are they made in Amish country? Let’s take a look at the pressback chair, a popular choice… The Pressback Dining Chair

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How to Choose A Good Wine Cabinet

Beth Rice 19/11/2020

When it’s five o’clock somewhere and time to unwind, do you reach for a glass of wine from a wine rack or wine cabinet? What are the differences between them, and how do you choose a good wine cabinet? First, let’s break down some wine storage terminology. There’s the wine cabinet, the wine cooler and the wine rack. What is a wine cabinet? There are wine cabinets that are climate controlled and wine cabinets that… How to Choose A Good Wine Cabinet

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How to Choose a Kitchen Hutch

Beth Rice 05/11/2020

What is a kitchen hutch? A kitchen hutch is a piece of furniture used in the kitchen that features storage and may include shelves, cabinets, drawers, a counter area or a combination of these features. Hutches are also popular for use in the dining room. Using one in the kitchen serves a similar purpose, adding storage and contributing to the style of the room. A kitchen hutch is a great way to keep frequently used… How to Choose a Kitchen Hutch

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10 Amish Dining Room Furniture Terms and What They Mean

Beth Rice 22/10/2020

Tucked within your dining room furniture collection are little parts and big parts that make dining room furniture function at its best. We’ve picked out 10 Amish dining room furniture terms to share and explain, highlighted by attractive Amish furniture of course! Test your knowledge with these Amish dining room furniture terms to see how well you know them. Clue: I sit right below the surface of a table, adding to its beauty and concealing… 10 Amish Dining Room Furniture Terms and What They Mean

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Anatomy of an Amish Dining Chair

Beth Rice 24/09/2020

The most important things a fine Amish dining chair offers are comfort, style and function. What parts of the chair contribute to these vital attributes? Our Amish dining chairs aren’t waiting in a warehouse somewhere. They’re custom made for your home, and building begins once you have selected wood type, stain color and other features. Here are the parts that go into making an exceptional Amish dining chair, laid out for you in easy (and… Anatomy of an Amish Dining Chair

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Things to Know About Table Leaf Locks

Beth Rice 27/08/2020

What do you need to know about table leaf locks? Table leaf locks are handy little additions, often made of brass, that can be added to your dining table to secure leaves and make sure they don’t slide around and create a little gap between them that would look quite unsightly in the middle of your dining table. Why do you need table leaf locks? Perhaps need is not the right word. When would you… Things to Know About Table Leaf Locks

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How to Care for Your Butcher Block Kitchen Island Top

Beth Rice 23/07/2020

How should you care for your butcher block kitchen island top? You’ve added storage in attractive solid wood with plenty of cabinet and drawer space and on top sits a gorgeous butcher block providing the ideal place for chopping, dicing, and slicing. With knife blades making marks and food leaving stains, it’s important to know how to maintain your butcher block island so it continues to add to the beauty of your kitchen for years… How to Care for Your Butcher Block Kitchen Island Top

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The History of the Parsons Chair

Beth Rice 16/07/2020

The Parsons chair has got it all. It’s comfy and cool, sleek and versatile, classic and modern all at the same time. Armless without apology, upholstery that allows colors and patterns to enhance the room, and high backed with long clean lines, Parsons chairs have staying power. So where did the Parsons chair originate and why? How does it keep moving forward from its original debut in the 1930s? Let’s take a look at the… The History of the Parsons Chair

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New Uses for Vintage Furniture

Beth Rice 02/01/2020

As we ring in the new year, make our lists of resolutions and feel inspired by a clean slate, it’s out with the old and in with the new, right? Well, maybe not in all cases. You might share our view on vintage furniture which is this: we love furniture that is built so well it lasts a long time. How long? Well, we mean decades, until it has earned the title “vintage.” Having furniture… New Uses for Vintage Furniture

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