All posts by "Seth Carter"

Seth Carter has been with DutchCrafters since 2020. Seth has won multiple awards for his work in Amish furniture while with DutchCrafters. He has advised and partnered with more than 150 Amish wood shops on furniture presentation, design, industry trends, product options, and the development of exclusive products. He is originally from Indiana and even lived in Amish country (LaGrange, Indiana) for an extended period of time while working with DutchCrafters. Seth was previously in charge of DutchCrafters' Amish bedroom furniture category. He was eventually promoted to lead the team that managed every product in DutchCrafters' world's largest online collection of Amish furniture.

5 Best Solid Wood Bookcases

Seth Carter 16/05/2024

We sifted through thousands of Amish furniture orders since the beginning of 2023 to provide an authoritative list of the most popular solid wood bookcases over the past 16 months. Amish-made bookcases are lauded for their durability and reliability, which come with their solid-wood construction. Amish Appreciation for the Printed Book As we enter the digital age, more people opt for eBooks and audiobooks. The Amish will always appreciate printed books since you likely won’t… 5 Best Solid Wood Bookcases

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5 Best Stains for Oak Wood

Seth Carter 26/04/2024

Oak seems to be the wood type most synonymous with Amish furniture. Is oak the most popular wood type for Amish furniture? DutchCrafters has been in business for over 20 years, and we have processed tens of thousands of orders just in the past few years. We reviewed over 25,000 orders to determine Amish furniture’s most popular wood type. What is the Most Popular Wood Type for Amish Furniture? Oak was the runaway winner as… 5 Best Stains for Oak Wood

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A Guide to Amish Porch Swings

Seth Carter 11/04/2024

Amish porch swings come in all shapes and sizes. With the wide variety of options available, you might wonder how you choose the right outdoor swing. The first step is understanding the ins and outs of Amish porch swings. Consider this your comprehensive guide to outdoor swings. Topics Covered: Don’t forget to check out our guide to hanging a porch swing. How Much Weight Can a Porch Swing Hold?   Most of our porch swings have… A Guide to Amish Porch Swings

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How to Choose the Best Outdoor Furniture Colors 

Seth Carter 28/03/2024

If you take outdoor living seriously, making it cozy is key to finding happiness in your backyard. You need to consider several things when deciding which pieces of outdoor furniture will bring you the most joy in your leisure time. You must consider comfort, quality, construction material, outdoor furniture styles, and colors.  Here, we will focus on color selection. Which colors you select will depend on your vision, theme, background, and perhaps even what kind… How to Choose the Best Outdoor Furniture Colors 

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7 Things You Need to Consider Before Getting a Porch Swing

Seth Carter 14/03/2024

Customers have turned to DutchCrafters for reliable Amish furniture for over 20 years. That doesn’t just pertain to indoor furniture. We have specialized in outdoor Amish furniture since our company was first established in 2003! Our outdoor porch swings are handcrafted, beautiful, durable, and immensely popular with our customers. But how do you pick the perfect porch swing? If you want a hanging swing to grace your porch, here are seven important factors you must… 7 Things You Need to Consider Before Getting a Porch Swing

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History of the Hope Chest

Seth Carter 06/04/2017

The hope chest has been referred to as many things, including a dowry chest, a trousseau chest, and a glory box. No matter what it’s called, this tried-and-true treasure has evolved to remain a favorite piece of furniture. How the Amish Helped Bring Hope Chests to America The hope chest dates back centuries, revealing a rich and fascinating history. It originated at a time when marriage included the exchange of property between families. The idea… History of the Hope Chest

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