Monthly Archives: March 2015

5 Easy Recipes for Crowd-Pleasing Bird Feeders

Heather McLellan 23/03/2015

Birdsong is a defining feature of summer’s pink mornings and long, hazy sunsets and while we might not know them by name, the gentle whistles and trills of sparrows, starlings, nightingales and chickadees as they enjoy local bird feeders are as deeply woven into summer as sunshine and iced tea. Related Posts Family Foods and Fine Furniture: Favorite Holiday Recipes from our Staff As holiday preparations get underway, warm thoughts of family traditions and outings… 5 Easy Recipes for Crowd-Pleasing Bird Feeders

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Wood vs. Poly Outdoor Furniture: Help for Deciding

Jayca Pike 20/03/2015

This blog post was updated on April 1, 2019. One of the most basic and biggest decisions that you’ll make when choosing outdoor furniture is whether you want to invest in Poly lumber or solid wooden material. The choice you make here will have a huge bearing both on how the furniture will look and how it will hold up to the elements. Related Posts How to Protect and Care for Outdoor Wood Furniture As… Wood vs. Poly Outdoor Furniture: Help for Deciding

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Places You Didn’t Expect to See Amish People

Jayca Pike 11/03/2015

We’re happy to have Erik Wesner, founder and editor of Amish America, on our blog! From time to time, he offers us his insights into various aspects of the Amish culture and communities. Take it away, Erik  –  Let’s start with the basics: Where do Amish people live? Related Posts 10 Ways Amish People Travel We are thrilled to have Erik Wesner, founder of and author of Success Made Simple: An Inside Look at… Places You Didn’t Expect to See Amish People

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American Furniture Icon: The Grandfather Clock

Jayca Pike 06/03/2015

This blog post was updated on February 19, 2019 with wall and mantel clock options and the Steelton 2005 Grandfather Clock Quick Clip Video. From nursery rhymes to stories of olden times, the grandfather clock has been an icon of classic British and American elegance since William Clement created his first longcase clock in 1670. Let us show you some surprising places that highlight time-honored, American made Grandfather clocks in ways both old and new. Related Posts Best… American Furniture Icon: The Grandfather Clock

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4 Wood Garden Seats for Your Outdoor Nook

Jayca Pike 02/03/2015

Sometimes, all you need to complete a dream is the right place to sit and ponder it. Hidden in a sprawling English garden, or tucked under a single leafy tree, a cozy outdoor nook with wood garden seats can fit perfectly into your daydreams. Related Posts The Pros and Cons of Pine Wood Furniture Pine wood furniture brings with it pros and cons. And while the pros outweigh the cons, they’re both important to Read… 4 Wood Garden Seats for Your Outdoor Nook

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