Amish Poly Chester Porch Swing Bed
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Our Poly Chester Porch Swing Bed creates the perfect private oasis to relax outdoors or take an afternoon nap. With approximately 38" in seating depth, this poly swing bed provides ample room to relax. Whether you are in need of a place to relax after a long days' work or simply would like a place to take a snooze on a lazy afternoon, the Poly Chester Swing Bed is a great addition to any outdoor decor.
Choose from four different sizes and thirteen different poly colors to build the perfect swing bed for your patio or backyard. Each Poly Chester Swing Bed is handcrafted by Amish builders who use woodworking techniques that have been passed down for generations. They use a highly durable material to construct these poly swing beds called poly lumber, which is a recycled material that ensures a long product life.
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