Amish Hardwood Seven Drawer Dresser Top Jewelry Box
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Growing up, my grandmother had two major hobbies: traveling and collecting jewelry. She never did one without the other. One of my most treasured memories is sitting with her after she returned home from Germany and being handed a beautiful handmade ring she’d picked up at a little shop on the street. I was 13, and this ring was the first piece of jewelry I owned of value. It was made of gold, crafted into a thin band with a flat small setting that held tiny pieces of ceramic in various colors. It was beautiful, and I was so proud.
This gift sparked my interest in collecting jewelry. Over the years I have picked up pieces here and there, some of little value that just spoke to me, some irreplaceable. As I grew up and got out on my own, I kept these prized possessions in a Tupperware, and as my collection outgrew that, an old craft box. When my grandmother visited, she would often bring jewelry she’d found in her collection to add to mine. I can still hear her fussing at me as I pulled out a tangled mass of necklaces, bracelets, and rings, attempting to show her my latest find. “Get a jewelry box!” she’d say! As we’d sit there attempting to make sense of a disastrous mess of wearable art, my Gammy would patiently help me lay my jewelry out neatly, only to shake her head disappointedly as I laid everything back in the same box we’d just painstakingly removed it from hours later.
When my grandmother passed on, she left me all her beautiful pieces of jewelry she was so proud of, each with their own story I can still hear if I listen close enough. I knew I’d be able to feel the thump of her fingers on the back of my head if I ever put those prized pieces in an old box. With DutchCrafters Amish Seven Drawer Jewelry Box, I can finally meet Gammy’s wish for me to properly store my collection, and now hers as well.
The Amish Six Drawer Dresser Top Jewelry Box is a work of art itself and provides the perfect secure place to store any collection of jewelry, small tokens of love passed down over the years, or little trinkets your kids have presented to you proudly. With six dovetailed constructed doors, velvet lining, and two side necklace cabinets, this jewelry box gives you ample organized storage ability for any type of jewelry. Handcrafted in Amish country, this jewelry box is made of solid Red Oak, or Cherry if you’d prefer, and comes in a variety of finish options. Keep your prized possessions safe and organized so you can still hear the stories they have to tell, long after your loved ones have passed on.